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Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33
40126 Bologna, Italy

Severin Josef Burg

Severin Josef Burg

Born in Germany, Severin was awarded a double B.A. in art history and communication science from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in 2018, and has worked in the tech industry for three years. In the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge M.A. program, he is now combining his work experience with his studies.

Elenora Peruch

Eleonora Peruch

Born in the Italian medieval village of Valvasone, Eleonora’s interests range from literature and journalism to the digital innovations. She graduated in Humanities at the Università di Padova in 2018 and is currently taking her M.A. in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the Università di Bologna.

© Copyright 2019 Severin Josef Burg, Eleonora Peruch